

2024 Lab Members


Akihiro Tanaka, Ph.D.
  • Professor
  • Department of Psychology
    Tokyo Woman’s Christian University

Graduate students, Postdocs, & Co-researchers

Maki Endo
  • 1st year master's student,
    Tokyo Woman's Christian University
  • Musical groove
Mami Yuhara
  • Fourth-year student,
    Tokyo Woman's Christian University
  • Body ownership and auditory cues
Anna K. Nakamura, Ph.D.
  • Tokyo Woman’s Christian University
    JSPS Research Fellow (PD)
  • Neural basis of facial expression processing and its individual differences
Riddell Christopher
  • PhD Candidate, Leiden University
    Researcher, Tokyo Woman's Christian University
  • Socio-emotional development in childhood
Hisako W. Yamamoto, Ph.D.
  • Assistant Professor, Ritsumeikan University
  • Development of auditory perception and audiovisual integration
Rika Oya, Ph.D.
  • Project Assistant Professor,
    Kobe University
    Post-doctoral Researcher,
    Tokyo Woman’s Christian University
Misako Kawahara, Ph.D.
  • The University of Tokyo
    JSPS Research Fellow (PD)


Dr. Reiko Mazuka (RIKEN)
Prof. Norihiro Sadato (Ritsumeikan Univ)
Prof. Shuichi Sakamoto (Tohoku Univ)
Prof. Masanori Morise (Meiji Univ)
Prof. Taiji Ueno (TWCU)
Prof. Yoshihiro Itaguchi (Keio Univ)
Dr. Chiharu Yamada (Waseda Univ)
Dr. Masahiro Yoshihara (Tohoku Univ)
Prof. Beatrice de Gelder (Maastricht Univerisity, The Netherlands)
Prof. Mariska Kret (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
Prof. Disa Sauter (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Alumni (academic)

Ken-ichi Tabei
Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology
Shiho Miyazawa
Takashi Yasuda
Matsuyama Shinonome College
Sachiko Takagi
Tokiwa University
Maiko Takahashi
Waseda University
Marie Morita
Ritsumeikan University
Yoshiko Sawada
University of Tokyo
Chiharu Yamada
Waseda University
Fabiola Diana
Leiden University